Monday, October 26, 2009

this weekend...

we did all sorts of things.

1.) jon's buddy tyler herdt from high school got home from the mish in peru. it was fun to see a lot of jon's high school friends over at the herdt household and watch him talk in church. we love tyler.

2.) went to brand new. {not u2 like 40,000 others} but im not even jealous of them. because brand new rocked it. and played a million songs--old and new. and i loved every second of it. except for the part where we ran into an ex. and a jon ex. awesome.

3.) i bought some new boots [and shirts] from buffalo exchange. {love that place} i think i like them?

4.) helped my sister go eighties for a birthday party. {no pictures of her because her husband threatened to throw the beloved iphone out the window if i documented her in a turquoise green body suit with a major camel toe. sickkkk.} but she ended up wearing something like this...

{check out them glasses. they were theresa's from way back when. and the fanny pack was steph's i believe. awesome, i know}

although this outfit was a close runner up.

{go mom for still owning these hideous-ities.}

5.) jon started training at tony romas and on his first day training, he got tables since it was so busy. and he handled it like a champ. saturday (halloween) is his first day waiting his own tables so go see him!! (lake mead and rainbow) and throw him a big tip :) {ive never been there before so hopefully it's good}

6.) played with the big boys..on the tractors. MY DAD FINALLY STARTED HIS GARAGE. like really started it. it only took about 15 years?
{{here's the story of the is the ultimate man's garage. IT IS BIGGER THAN OUR HOUSE. yes people. and our house isnt small. it is two stories. holds something like 9 cars. [i could be wrong] oh and it has a lift. dont even worry. you know to lift a car to the second level to load it. duh... oh and i alsmost pretty sure there's a bathroom in it somewhere. who knows. }}
anyways. it's begun. and it's moving along. and matix loves loves loves to help. so we spent the better part of saturday outside observing and "helping" my dad and uncle ron :)

7.) watched the guardian. we've been trying to watch it for a few days now. and we finally did. and i loved every second of it. i love love that movie.

8.) matix may (or may not have) broken skin on two more teeth! he's been not sleeping as well and had a runny nose so it's about time something happens. poor guy. teething is rough on all parties involved.

9.) i got my graduation announcements in that mail! this means it's for real. right? (if i pass my classes i guess.)

i think that's all. yes, i know you were all aching to know :)


WareHouse said...

Hey! So good to hear from you! I can't believe how big Matrix is! He is darling, and you look great!

Kim Marx said...

Yeah on the graduation announcements, I'm so proud of you.
And yes, Tony Roma's is good. Just thinking about it makes me want some ribs and a basket of onion rings...