Wednesday, October 6, 2010

shoppin with stinks.

taking matix shoppin is nearly impossible nowadays, unless he can be entertained in a cart. 
however, i decided to brave the fashion show mall anyways...with matix by my side, 
because let's face it--the new forever 21 there is to.die.for
here's how our trip ended up...

he played at every display.
the sand one was his favorite.

posed and 'touched' every mannequin in the store. 
and it's a bigggg store.

stopped at every lion king poster advertisement.

and wanted to try on everything mommy tried on.
his favorite were these shoes.
and he insisted on walkin across the entire store to show janey waney.
(it took foreverrrrrr..but was HILARIOUS to watch)

needless to say...we were there forever. and i wasnt able to buy one single thing...
becasue we were all over the place!
oh, what fun little kids are <3

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