Monday, November 15, 2010


so i know it doesnt look too bad anymore. and i also covered it's black and blue-ness with makeup...
but looks can be deceiving. 
this bad BOY hurts!

the story is actually super duper embarrassing...but im gonna tell ya anyways...
on saturday night we had a party at my house.
It was an assasin game themed birthday party/dance party for my brother
(ps happy birthday only brother of mine) we're setting up and decorating the basement...
and i start putting caution tape around as requested.
and then i get smart and start thowing it through the wood panels on the ceiling...
hard to imagine...but pretend you know what im talking about ok...
i throw it hits the wood and comes racing back and hits me right by my eye. 
(let me just tell you that the roll was talking...home depot big and must have weighed at least 5lbs.
and you know it must have hit me hard...because it broke skin...and there is NOTHING sharp about a ROLL of CAUTION TAPE)
luckily no one saw...or i might have died of embarrassment
so i just sat there for a second...thought about crying...but i pulled myself together and hoped the dizziness would go away....
i turn to go upstairs and my friend jon looks right at me. i say, " injured..."
he opens his mouth...and says.."umm...youre bleeding... go find brynn.."
i find brynn...she takes one look...and her mouth flies open and says...and i quote.."dont look in the mirror."
i touch literally FEELS LIKE A GOLF BALL is protruding out of my head.
so of course i look in the mirror...and it LOOKS LIKE A GOLF BALL is protruding out of my head.
O  M  G
(i wish so badly wish that i took a picture because it was big)
but the people are starting to arrive...and i really want to dance!!
so i sucked it..up or at least tried to...and went about my party throwing business
until my parents came home and gasped...and my mom forced me to hold an ice back on it all night.
so all night...i had to tell the story about how i got hit in the face with CAUTION tape.

epic fail. 
and now...two days later...i still have a headache & a bruised head...
but thankfully i have a baby matix who has smothered it with kisses so im sure it will get better soon <3

josh told me i look bad ass. i guess thats a good thing as long as i make up a bad ass story to go with it!

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