Monday, May 10, 2010

ouceeeeee creeaammmm.

i love just hanging out with my baby boy. 
he's at that age where it's more like hangin out, than actually being a mom. 
and it is so much fun!
he speaks unbeleivably well for his age. 
like full on conversations, people.

a few weeks back i told him he could only have "ouceeee creamm" if he pronounced it we practiced..
and he now can officially say "ice cream"
i guess...he got his sweet tooth from his momma...or his papa..whichever.

he counts...all the way to 20...and it cracks me up/amazes me every time.

at d-land people would ask how old he was, 
he would reply..."urr-teen"
umm....thirteen really?
then they would laugh, and he would laugh, and i would say
"no matix, how old are you?"
and he would reply and hold up a finger..."one"
and then i would say, "when will you be two?
"two weeks"  he's soo smart.

while watching lion i said obsessed. and i really have no idea where he even discovered the day he just asked for it out of nowhere...random.
i came in to check on him right at the part where mufasa falls off the cliff.
matix looks at me and points to the tv...
"the lion king...he fell...he got hurt."
i asked if he was gonna be okay?
and he said..."nope"
he actually understands what hes watching....i had no clue. i thought he just liked the colors and music.
he sings hakuna matata and its so sweeet...if i say "hakuna matata"...he replies with "what a wonderul phrase"

last night he woke up in the night...i think i was being kinda loud.
so he asked if he could sleep with me. 
i caved and said he climbed in my bed and asked to watch tv...i declined.
as i was getting my pajamas on...he says..eyes squinted half open...
"lay down, asheeyyyyy!!!"  (yes he calls me ashhhey and i love mom on the otherhand hates it..but its not his fault..i live with my family..who all refer to me as ashley...not MOM!!)
it was so sweet. and so funny to me. im not quite sure why, thinking back.
he snuggled close to me, and my heart melted.


1 comment:

Emily said...

he really is so darn cute!! hope you had a good mother's day yesterday!