Sunday, March 29, 2009


Why do i hate unlv right now and the fact that i need an internship to graduate?

So i have been on a desperate hunt to find a summer internship, and no thanks to the current economic situation, the search continues. Apparently when times get tough the first thing to go are the internship programs.   I don't really understand why. It's not even like interns get paid anymore. Now its just free labor that we students must do to graduate!!! 

Anyways so i finally found an internship with CineVegas doing PR work. (I would have preferred an advertising internship but who can be picky) Everything seemed to be working out until i find out that she wants a full-time intern. like 5 days a week, 8+ hours a day! and the week of the festival she wants 10+ hours a day! holy hell... you're not even paying me! and my requirements for school are only 150 hours... but now you want me to quit my current job that pays... to work for free (for the next 2 1/2 months!) ?!?!?  No thank you.

what the heck am i going to do??? not graduate? 


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