Thursday, March 4, 2010

meet nelly.

this is nelly. she is matix's best friend in nursery at church. she just loves loves loves matix. one time she even asked her parents if she could share her fruit snacks with matix. so they drove over to our house so she could share with him. so sweet right? matix is a stud, even at age one.

speaking of nursery...matix still loves it. he just needs a little convincing nowadays. something kicked in right around when he turned 18 months where he would get freaked out and super clingy so we wouldnt leave. but prior to 18 months he could care less if I was in there or not. my dad has spent many of sundays in nursery to please him. some of the parents even think that nursery should be my dad's calling, since he is so entertaining with the kids. he has been doing a little better lately so hopefully it stays that way :)

{dimitri, ariel, nelly, matix, luke}

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