ONE.) Sometimes things just have a way of working out in weird ways. The Lord definitely works in mysterious ways. One of the hardest trials in my life of being a single mom has been not feeling like I fit in with anyone. I don't fit in with my married friends with kids because after 5 o'clock they typically have husbands to hang out with and rarely will want to do things with their single friend and her son. And if they do want to get together---it's typically to escape the kid/kids and want a girl's night. And then with my single friends I always feel like a bad mom leaving Matix behind or a bad friend always wanting to bring along a child. And then with my family I'm the only single one and well I just am different than everyone I feel like. Now I don't want to feel overly dramatic--but I just have had a really hard time finding the balance and not feeling left out.
Then while I was dating Matt, I went to church with him one Sunday and was surprised to see how many children were in his singles ward. My singles ward didn't have a primary so Matix would go to church with my parents while I attended the singles ward. All the while I was having a hard time with my family and some issues with my siblings thinking my parents help me with Matix too much. So after that Sunday with Matt I remember meeting with my bishop and mentioning to him that I was considering switching my records to the other ward. He obviously hated to see me go (my bishop and I were very close). But in a lot of ways it just made sense, especially since my relationship with Matt seemed to be going so well.
Well, we broke up that very next week,
And Matt and his new girlfriend were in that ward and the thought of seeing them every Sunday on top of all the other times I saw them seemed like a dumb idea. But as much as I fought the idea, I knew it was something I needed to do. So back in July I switched my records. That very first Sunday with Matix was so good. remember leaving church and asking Matix what he thought and he told me it "was the holy land of churches." (He got a lot of candy from his teacher, haha)
Joining this ward was a blessing in so many ways. But the biggest blessing was meeting this girl.
What a dimepiece. Haha.
We joke that we are domestic partners and going to quit dating and raise our kids as siblings. She is my exact age, got pregnant young, got married, got divorced and has a daughter six months older than Matix. Anjali and I have quickly become the best of friends and our kids have become best friends as well. Matix and Maddy are polar opposites. From the way they look to the way to their personalities--they couldn't be any more opposite. But it totally works. And they get along so well it's crazy. I've never seen them fight--and we spend a lot of time together. And I look more like Maddy's mom (the funfettis) and Anjali looks more like Matix's mom (the caramels).
I'm so grateful to have met these two and formed the friendship we have. They were exactly what I needed at this time in my life. And I know that this is just the beginning of a long friendship. And it's been a good one.
(And no, we aren't lesbian lovers. Promise)
TWO.) So remember how after Matt and I broke up he started dating a mutual friend like the next week. And I saw them everywhere and I hated her more than anything in the whole world? And for some crazy reason I was manipulated into thinking she was the one to blame? Yep, she seduced him and it was the only thing that made sense.
Well, folks, sometimes things aren't quite what they seem. Even if you are positive they are.
Such is the case with Leah. After a strange turn of events, Leah ended up calling me and we pieced of lot of things together. A lot of lies and manipulations and after all was said and done--we ended up becoming friends. And now basically best friends.
I know it's weird and random and crazy but we've even talked a little bit about how maybe we were supposed to date Matt to become friends? Seems like a stretch but I think that maybe there could be truth to it. Leah has become a super good friend to me. Exactly who I need to talk to when I'm sad or happy or frustrated or just need someone to do nothing with. I have judged this girl for years! And not even in a mean way or a judgmental way. Just in an "I don't think we have much in common" kind of way. But the truth is we are very different but we also have a lot of common interests. We spend most of our days sending music back and forth on Spotify and I put extensions in her hair and she's helped me with mine and we watch chick flicks and go on roadtrips singing the whole way and go shopping and she borrows clothes out of my closet weekly and she is helping me eat healthier and we have new years resolutions to work out more. I think our differences are rubbing off on each other and we are helping each other be better. Not to mention we've gotten over Matt together. And to be honest--it would have been really hard to get through the last few months without her. We don't go a day without talking. And I'm really grateful for her friendship. And she loves kids AND it's fun being in the same ward together. The other day we went to Chinese and this was her fortune:

I think it hit the nail right on the head.
Here's to new friends; Some of the greatest blessings.
Also don't jump to conclusions or judge a book by it's cover.'re probably wrong.