A few nights ago, we braved the cold (that ended up not even really being bad at all)
and headed to opportunity village's the magical forest with kelli and dylan.
Matix had an absolute blast to say the least.
He couldnt stop looking and pointing at all the lights,
and was just in little boy heaven running around and going on rides.
He braved the merry-go-round first.
Although hesitant at first, he ended up loving it.
The second time around, we even rode the pony together!!
Then we spotted frosty and matix was more than happy to snap a picture as a button...
Next we went down the kiddy slides. This may have been his favorite thing to do.
He could even do it all by himself (with some adult supervision of course)
He and dylan went down a few times each. They are such good little friends.
On second thought...
the train that went around the forest was matix's absolute favorite part of the night.
The line was a little rough to wait in but we kept ourselves entertained...

it was pretty cute and fun if i do say so myself.

it took some bribing (with a candy cane) to convince him to finally leave....
we had a great time and even made it home just in time for bedtime...
i think it's safe to say that we will probably end up back there next year :)
Merry Christmas Everyone!!
[i cant believe it's already christmas eve's eve]
{my jaw literally dropped}
he then proceeded to describe his experience as follows...
Extension cords required to make all the lights work: 11
Ornaments: 623
Of those ornaments, Charlie Brown ornaments: 111
Hours to light: 7... See More
Trips to Walmart because I needed more lights: 2
Hours to decorate: 6
Chirstmas songs I went through on my ipod while lighting and decorating: 93. . .two times.
Me needing to get a life. . .Priceless.
Christopher Todd Hall
{my jaw then dropped a second time}
i hope one day i get that sort of Christmas dedication
**did i forget to mention that he is also a gay interior decorator...maybe thats why**