Saturday, May 8, 2010

beautiful weather.

i love this weather we've been having. i wish it were a little more consistent though. and i dont like the wind that comes about every once in a while. one day we were supposed to go the lake but it was windy, and i got really sad... stupid wind. i've been to the park more in the last month or so than ever before. it's kind of something me and a certain friend do a lot of nights. we lay under the stars and talk and i love it. there is this super amazing, super hidden park up on town center and the mountains. it has the craziest toys and i am in love with it. i wanna go back and play again. i have been wearing dresses a lot lately. i never used to wear dresses. but ive bought a lot lately...and i love them now. they are so summery and fun. and for once in my legs arent pastey. its a nice change, and an "i am single" gift to myself. i have even been called tan?! wait what!? yep i was shocked..and it made me smile. today i went swimming with kelli and layne. they were about 20 shades whiter than me. haha. i might go to hawaii next week. sounds like an oxymoron right? hawaii, might and NEXT week all in the same sentence. well it's true. i hope it all works out. ive never been there before. lastly, me and matix and my parents went to my neice amandas last t-ball game. it's a stake primary league, which is pretty cool if you ask me. the weather was perfect. and i played catch with all the kiddos. it was a nice evening. then we ate at los tacos after and it was really yummy. and im not even a big mexican food fan. try it.
matix has stolen my dads heart... my dad took him to the snack bar to get a treat. 


Jenn Shields said...

yeah, our stake is pretty cool. we do fun things, like t-ball and soccer for the wee-ones. you should move over to the "north" side.

D'On Marx said...

I hear ya on the weather part. Love the temp but hatin' the wind. not a fan. I love your blog. Keep it up. :)