Wednesday, April 28, 2010

date night.

with none other than my lover, val.

i never ever ever see her or talk to her much anymore.
but when we do, it is glorious.
the other day she randomly texted me to go to a movie premier with her.
so i did!!!
we went and saw....
and i really liked it.
it was definitely a cute little love story.
but you all will have to wait until may 14th to see it. haha
the best part however, was us grubbing on some panda express and probably annoying everyone around us. 
we are good at that.
whenever we would take classes together we would do the same thing...with full on meals.
it was ridiculous.
but it would result in my favorite college classes ever, all because of her.
in fact, we even became bridesmaids to some random girl we barely knew in class
it was awesome and awkward all at the same time. 
yep, there we are. right up in the back. and havent spoken to neither the bride nor groom since. haha. i bet they love having a couple of randoms in their pictures. 
so wierd. 

okay, that is all. 

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