Monday, April 19, 2010

where does he learn these things?

matix loves to draw. like he's obsessed. 
he is so happy just drawing and drawing.
until recently.
now he wants me to draw pictures for him. 
he shouts out an object, and i draw it. (mostly animals)
this has become the new method of distraction during church

like yesterday. 
he shouted out i draw him one.
seems normal enough. the kid loves airplanes.
then he barks out his next command.
say what? i thought for sure that i had heard him wrong.
until the lady sitting next to me says...
"did he just ask you to draw a cockpit?"
we both laughed and then i drew an arrow to the cockpit of the plane that i just drew.
and he was pleased.
such a silly kid.

{please excuse my horrible attempt at drawing}


Emily said...

haha that's HILARIOUS!! what a smartie!! by the way - you're drawings are a lot better than mine ever are :)

The Harrisons said...

hahaha that is hilarious! I need to come visit you guys!! I want to!! June and Matix need to know eachother and be best buds and get married one day :)

TOAD said...

what art school did you go to. You should really look into graphic design :)