Saturday, December 11, 2010

hawaii....round 2. heard it right. i went to hawaii for the SECOND time this year! crazy, i know. but i couldn't help it. we found this amazing deal...$270 r/t and it included a hotel in Waikiki for a night. talk about cheap!(shout out to obsession) so we just had to do it. plus....doug, having lived therefor 4 years, was aching to go back plus he was excited to show me around and see some of his long lost friends! And honestly...who can say no to hawaii? am i right or am i right?

 Day 1:  We got there Sunday afternoon and decided to go around the south side of the island. We ate some lunch at a lookout and then took a walk around a mountain to see a lighthouse. I'd never seen a lighthouse, so i thought it was pretty neat. Finally we made our way over to Laie...dropped of my stuff at my cute little friend Stephanie's house (who so generously let me crash with her for a few days...thanks steph!) Then we headed to the North Shore to rent a surfboard for Doug. Saw the turtles! and ended the night catching up with Doug's best friend Jordan, who on and off lives in Hawaii and Vegas. It was fun to chat with him and get some much needed advice ;)

Day 2: Of course Doug had to start the day off surfing with his good friend Liam at Turtle Bay. I laid on the beach for a while...and then went and watched the surfers. Then it was my turn. Doug rented me a board and gave me a quick little lesson. I was a little scared...but for no reason. i got up on my first try! and really every time after that. Doug was so proud! It got a little harder once i had to paddle into my own waves instead of doug pushin me... but i dont see what the big deal is...surfin is easy peasy. bahahhaa. 
okay...i know...i was on a boat.(a super beginner board) im sure a short board is a lot harder. doug made this very clear. he even tried to get me to use his board. i didnt wanna show him up so i graciously declined. ;)

this wasnt me really was for photo purposes only. 

we spent the rest of the afternoon at Waimea Bay, before heading to the Polynesian Culture Center. I really wanted to go since last time we didnt get a chance. We went to the luau and night show and it was totally fun and the food was bomb!
yes, doug bought the $20 picture. what a nerdddd. 

We ended the night catching up with some of his college friends and visiting the Laie Temple :)

Day 3: Started with surfing....of course. This time at Goats..where he ran into my hawaii travel friend from last trip, bobby! (sidenote...bobby decided to just not come home from our last trip in may...must be nice...right??) We all met up for lunch after at Subway. Next was boogie boarding at Pounders (my fave) where Jordan met up for a while. Shaved Ice at Angel's that we ate on the point. Sunset at Sunset Beach. Then off to Waikiki for our last day! (but not without saying goodbye to our friendsssss)

hukilau beach back massage....lucky??? yessss.

d is not capable of eating without getting crap ALL over his face!

Day 4: Waikiki! Slept in and then headed out to the beach for breakfast. We ate at Lulu's and it was super yummy! We spent the rest of the morning walking down the beach...until we decided last minute to do a canoe ride! It surprisingly was super fun! We caught waves right next to the surfers...but we got first dibs. the Canoe guy would get out there and yell in his super strong hawaaiian accent..."surfers! Out the way. Canoe coming through" We felt pretty special. We caught three waves before coming in...and hurrying to the airport to catch our flight...wet bathing suits and all! we're classy. But i wouldn't have had it any other way!

missing matix!
It was a short, sweet, but mostly freaking awesome trip. I can't wait to head back one day..hopefully sooner than later. The day we got home..matix also got home from his dad's house. It was fun to see him and show him all the things i got him! He loved them all but i think the ukelele was his favorite! He played it all night and started singing/playing  "I Am a Child of God" to my parents. he's the greatest.

1 comment:

Chels Allred said...

im jealous! hawaii is my favorite place ever. you must be REALLY cool to go TWICE.
p.s. caUTE christmas card!