Saturday, December 25, 2010

'Twas the Night Before Christmas....

...and all through the house, not a creature was stirring not even a mouse.
The children were nestled, all snug in their bed...
While visions of sugar plums danced in their heads.

oh, how i wish that was the case. 
Doesn't it look like i have the sweetest little child in the world??
well, i do.
he is a little bit deceiving.
he is quite the little manipulator i tell ya.
especially at bedtime. 
oh that gosh darn bedtime. 
and last night...we hit an all time low. 
you went a little something like this...

read me a book. no, i don't like that book. read me another book. i want the lamp on. leave the door open. i want the hall light on. i want the lamp off. I don't like these pajamas. i need my other pajamas. the shark ones. mom, i need to tell you something. I'm sick. i need my medicine. i need to spit in the toilet. mom there's boogers in my mouth i need to spit in the toilet! i need my guitar. mom, don't spank me! i peed in my diaper. i need a new diaper. I'm trying to go to sleep. i need to close your door, mom. it's too noisy. 

then finally...some quiet. 

finally asleep? one would think...but oh no. the little sneakster snuck out of his room..right to SANTA'S COOKIES! and ate them! he was working on number three when he got caught by mean old momma. i bet the thought of those cookies left out for anyone to get, was just achin' at his cute little body. poor guy. 

almost two hours and a few tears later. he finally was fast asleep. 

and when it was time to wake up for 8 O'CLOCK...
(which is NOT early for a christmas morning)...
his response is...

"No mom, i open the presents after i go back to sleep. I'm too tired."

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