Monday, February 27, 2012

The Color Run.

This weekend, I ran my first 5K!!!!! When I say ran.... I actually mean walked, skipped, cartwheeled, and a little bit of running occurred. MY KIND OF RACE. And then there was color. Lots. And lots. And lots of color. It was basically the funnest thing ever. I want to do it again. Everyday. I'm telling you....Run the Color Run. It is so much fun! Especially if you do it with fun people, like i did. My friends are the funnest. I even ran into Layne and her group over and over again. So it was kind of like I ran it with her too. I loved it. We rocked the ugliest pants we could find. I'm not even ashamed that I already had gold pants and sequined fanny pack in my possession. In fact, I'm kinda proud. Believe it or not, gold pants are quite handy to have on hand for so many reasons. After the race, we went to breakfast at the Egg and I, looking colorful as ever, with the biggest smiles on our face! Such a fun way to start my Saturday. 

Here's some before and afters: 

And here's some more pictures for your viewing pleasure. Just to make you even more jealous of my life. 

These would be my color pack boob implants. So sexy huh? 

We are such great runners. Or fakers. 

Color Monster CHICKEN FIGHT. 

Check out that gold badonkadonk. 

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