Sunday, January 23, 2011

greaser baby.

This is what happens when I'm running late for church and I ask Doug to help me get Matix ready....

Doug convinced Matix that it was soooooo cool.
I freaked out.
Doug re-did it.
We settled for a "wave" instead.
Don't know what a wave is?
You're lucky.
Let's just say my mom thought he looked "so handsome"
(If that gives you any idea of how it looked.)
Oh well. At least we all made it to church on time.  :)


cropstar said...

haha he looks like a little mafia dude! even with the greaser dude he's adorable :)

meg saxton said...

i love the little mans hair! what are you talking about!? good job doug.

JMay said...

He is seriously so cute!