Sunday, January 2, 2011

2010 is a rap.

2010 was a big year for me. A lot lot lot of changes.

Let's reminisce..shall we?

did a gymnastics class with matix.
dated a few boys.
3 of my best friends got married.(1)(2)(3)
Went to hawaii with 3 guy friends.
decided i wanted to move there.
best friend went on a mission to new hampshire. 
took a million trips to california.(1)(2)(3)(4)...
got a boyfriend.
made a ton of new, fun friends.
took matix to his first movie in a theatre.
matix started sleeping in a big boy bed.
matix turned TWO!
went to a lot of dress up parties.(1)(2)(3)(4)
matix and i flew a real airplane!
met the prophet (monson)
went to lake powell twice.(1)(2)
met some new little babies.(1)(2)
turned 24 years old.
fell in love. <3
welcomed Autumn to the family. 
went on a complicated but awesome trip to new york city.
decided i wanted to move there.
best friend came home sick from mission to new hampshire.
went through the worst break up of my life.
watched matix grow into the cutest "little man"
got a macbook, finally.
got an awesome camera. (unexpectedly)
went to hawaii, again.
decided i really wanted to move there.
realized...i want to live anywhere but here.
but here is where i shall stay.

here's to 2010....i wonder what will happen in 2011.
at this point...anything could happen, really.


1 comment:

dostew said...

What about how you got the best boyfriend in the world who lives and breathes to male you happy and spoils you more than you've ever been spoiled and loves you more than anything else? What about that 2010 occurrence.