Saturday, April 30, 2011

The big bad wolf.

Matix's ward (my parents ward) had a talent show last weekend. 
As soon as my mom heard about it she, she knew we had to do our "3 Little Pigs" skit.
I don't really exactly know how the skit even came about...all I know is one minute we were reading the story at bed time, and the next we are reciting/acting it out at all times of the day, and for anyone that will watch.  Matix made up all of our lines from his memory of the story. We would alternate turns being the pigs and the wolf...but for the talent show, we both decided that he makes a much scarier wolf. Although he did change his mind about being the wolf about a billion times before the show.  All he could talk about was going to church to be the big bad wolf. He didn't even want to go to his dad's house that week, because he was scared he'd miss it. Cute kid. 

I'm really proud of my little boy! he did such a good job! I was certain that we'd get up there and he'd get super shy in front of the crowd...but he did quite the opposite. He actually was quite the microphone hog! He wouldn't even let me say my own lines....he was saying them both. Finally, I gave up fighting for the mic and let him take control. It turned out super cute. Everyone loved it and came up to tell him how great he did. He was the youngest participant by far, and I'm so proud of him! Go Matix!
See for yourself....

He even got a sucker necklace as a participation reward. 
He was so excited!


Chels Allred said...

that was too cute for me. really with him? and I see his boat shoes. love them!

bayardo4life said...

He's a natural born star!